Dominican Republic Students July 2021 Day 9

Today started like most days. However, we actually woke up on time. After getting ready for the day we started our morning routine. We had morning prayer, personal devotional time and then herd the testimony of a local Dominican and sight leader. After that we went to breakfast. I don't remember what everyone else had for breakfast, but I had eggs. During breakfast Shelby-Kate and I realized when the trip is over, we collectively would have eaten over a hundred and fifty hard boiled eggs (this is because of food allergies ). At this point I don't think either of us want to eat another hard boiled egg for a while... 

After breakfast we left for our sight. By the time we got to our site there were already a handful of girls there. When we walked through the door all the girls ran over and stated demanding for a piggy back ride. After a short time of discussion with our site leaders, we ran out side to play with the kids. They were crazy. the children surrounded us and demanded that we play with them. One particular girl that I befriended shortly became very attached to me. As soon as I spoke one broken phrase in Spanish she just assumed that I was fluent, and began to rapidly talking to me in Spanish. I didn't understand a single word, but just smiled and nodded. We later did a craft where we painted cardboard butterflies. All the little girls were so excited to paint something that in America would probably be thought of as trash. I loved there joy and it was cool to see each one of the kids be so excited of the smallest thing.

When we were supposed to be having our lunch a group of siblings, who do not have a good home life, came over to hang out. Cedie, Sarah and I were laying on the cement trying to sleep when they walked in. All they wanted to do was play and be loved. When we where laying down they would come over to us and tried to play with us. They kept motioning and calling us mommy... This broke my heart. After that I knew I couldn't just lay there while I had the ability to make them feel loved and safe for a few hours. So I got up and played with them. Each one of them were fighting for my attention. Which gave me a glimpse into there broken situation at home. Even though I know they will quickly forget this interaction I know that it was worth playing with them for that hour.

Later in the afternoon we did more crafts, drawings, bible stories, and I even was able to practice my face painting skills. The interaction with the siblings during lunch definitely changed my perspective on each of the children's lives. The thought of where the children came from and their daily hardships definitely weighed heavily on me. Even though my life is not all rainbows, and eating that many hard boiled eggs is less than ideal. I am so blessed in everything I have, especially my family and a safe place to live. Which most of these kids lack. Though the trip is coming to a close I don't want to waste another moment loving the people around me. Because you never know what they are going through and how God may chose that interaction to plant a seed.


- Natalie Schmidt